Leadstec collaborated with the Hong Kong Tourism Board to launch the Great Outdoors Hong Kong (GOHK) website in AEM

Leadstec collaborated with the Hong Kong Tourism Board to launch the Great Outdoors Hong Kong (GOHK) website in AEM

AEM Sites

6 April 2022

Project Introduction:

DiscoverHongKong.com (DHK) is the HKTB’s primary digital marketing platform. Leadstec assisted HKTB in launching the Great Outdoors Hong Kong 2021-2022 campaign in January 2022 and providing diversified and interactive digital material through DHK to encourage visitors to discover the numerous green assets and breathtaking natural wonders outside the hustle and bustle of the Hong Kong city.

Key Results:

  1. Delivered eye-catching webpages with unique designs for the Summer and Winter themes.
  2. AEM has been integrated with Google Maps and Baidu Maps.
  3. The route information is prominently presented, enticing visitors to go exploring.

Reference Pages:

  1. Wellness in Hong Kong Home Page
  2. Hiking
  3. Sightseeing
  4. High Island Geo Trail
  5. Stanley
  6. Kayaking



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