Technology Voucher Programme

【Technology Voucher Programme】Is it difficult to apply for TVP?


16 May 2022

We can help you to apply the Technology Voucher Programme

Leadstec provides web development services, E-commerce development service, and online booking system development services. Through the Technology Voucher Programme, we can provide you with the above services for both development and application of TVP. Welcome to contact us.

Are TVP difficult to apply?

[TVP] launched in November 2016, the Technology Voucher aims to support local enterprises/organizations in using technology services and solutions to enhance productivity or upgrade their business processes. The amount of funding under the Scheme was also increased from HK$200,000 in 2016 to HK$600,000 in 2020. Although the plan has been launched for a long time on the left, in the past, many applicants felt that the application plan was troublesome, complicated, and the approval took a long time. In fact, in recent years, the application process has improved a lot, and the required documents are fully prepared, and it is generally not a problem to be approved within 3 months. In order to make the application process smoother for everyone, we will share the points that need to be paid attention to when applying for the plan through this article.

With effect from 8 June 2021, the Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC) has appointed the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) as the Secretariat of the Technology Voucher Programme (TVP). References to the Government or ITC in the programme documents should be deemed as referring to HKPC as well where appropriate.


Local entities fulfilling the following requirements are eligible to apply for funding under the TVP:

(a)(i) Registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (Cap. 310); or

(a)(ii) Incorporated and registered in Hong Kong under the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 622); or

(a)(iii) Established in Hong Kong by relevant ordinances as statutory bodies;


(b) Not a listed company in Hong Kong, and not a government subvented organization* or subsidiary of any government subvented organization*;


(c) With substantive business operation in Hong Kong which is related to the project under application at the time of application.

(*A government subvented organization means an organization that receives subvention from the Government on a recurrent basis. The subvention contributes towards the organization’s operational expenses, in exchange for its service to the public. The recurrent subvention may account for the bulk of the organization’s income or may just be a token contribution/sponsorship forming a small percentage of the organization’s total income.)

Prepare the required documents in advance before applying

We recommend that before applying, you review the list of documents required for the application provided by the Innovation and Technology Commission and HKPC, and prepare all the documents at once before submitting your application formally. Because the government does not approve your application as soon as it receives it, and the government may not notify you of any decision in real time after internal meeting. If after a period of time, it is found that the file is incomplete, you need to make up the callback, and wait for the government to reply again, which will take a significant amount of time. So when applying for a plan, don’t be felt “so busy, hand in some documents first, and then make up for it later.”

The most basic documents to be submitted for the application plan include the following documents:

  • Copy of Form 1(a)/ 1(c) of the Business Registration Office or Annual Return of the Companies Registry (Form NAR1) of the applicant
  • Copies of the documentary evidence proving that the applicant has substantive business operations in Hong Kong which is related to the project under application at the time of application.
  • A copy of the valid Hong Kong Identity Card or passport of the person signing the application form for and on behalf of the applicant
  • Copy(ies) of the quotation(s) submitted by the bidder(s) showing their detailed contact information (including address, telephone number and email address).

For guidance on other documents to be submitted and detailed documents to be submitted, please refer to the following list of documents required for applications by the Innovation and Technology Commission or HKPC:

HKPC – List of documents required for application

Prepare more quotations before application

If you want us to help for application and participate in the system development, we are very welcome! However, is one quote enough? As stated by the Innovation and Technology Commission, a sufficient number of quotations need to be submitted at the same time as applying for a scheme. What is a sufficient quantity quotation? In fact, it depends on the total cost of the project:

  • If the total value does not exceed HK$50,000, the applicant must obtain written quotations from at least two (including our) suppliers or service providers
  • If the total value exceeds HK$50,000 but not more than HK$300,000, the applicant must obtain written quotations from at least three (including our) suppliers or service providers
  • If the total value exceeds HK$300,000 but not more than HK$1.4 million, the applicant must obtain written quotations from at least five (including our) suppliers or service providers

For enquiries on requesting quotations and other applications, please refer to the following application guidelines from the Innovation and Technology Commission or HKPC:

HKPC– Technology Voucher Application Guide

Once the application is approved, please pay attention below

After the application is approved, all expenditures, payment checks, and payers must bear the same name as the applicant enterprise. Also, keep in mind that all accounts are audited by a registered independent auditor, so keep payment receipts and records!

To apply for the Technology Voucher Program, please contact with us

If you are interested in applying, please feel free to contact us. Our TVP consultant will answer your questions about TVP.

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